Video Greeting


Let me know what kind of greeting you would like me to say to you. It can be something along the lines of a good morning, feel better, wishing you the best, or something similar. I will only do more general topics such as these…like positive encouragement and support. Please keep it simple and a message I can form into an uplifting greeting for you. If you want it personalized, let me know who to address it to, first names only.

The duration of the video can be up to two minutes long. Once I complete the video, which can take up to three days from purchase, I will send you an email to the address you provide during checkout. The email will contain a link to this website where you can view the video. You will also get a password to login. The password expires after seventy-two hours.

*With this purchase, you agree to receive emails from Christina DaRe. An email will be sent to the email you provide during checkout. Additional emails may be sent to you from Christina DaRe periodically. If you wish to unsubscribe from emails sent by Christina DaRe, you can do so in an email correspondence. You can also update your email address there, at the link, update your subscription preferences.

Please note below:


Read the description below before purchasing!

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Do not expect dirty content in this video. To reiterate, the vibe with this video will be like the content you see on Christina’s social media channel. Also, bullying is not welcome. If this is not respected, you may not get to view the video after purchase or the video you do view may not be what you expected or even requested.