Christina DaRe Model
Christina DaRe Model

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Christina DaRe Traveling


One of my favorites in LA is the Ahmanson Theatre.


Booking in Las Vegas at the Sphere for one.


The Fairmont San Francisco. A luxury icon.


The Cake Bake Shop. In the top 100 most romantic restaurants.


Horseback Riding at Sunset Ranch, Hollywood Hills.

Vanderpump a paris

The ambiance here is incredibly romantic and comfortable. It felt like we had our own private room, even while sitting in a booth. The atmosphere is relaxing and exudes a quaint vibe. The service is another highlight—they treated us with genuine care and attentiveness. And the food? Both beautiful and delicious.

  • French Cuisine
  • 21 and Up
  • Casual Attire
  • Dine In, Take Out, Delivery
  • Located in Paris Las Vegas

nature is my happy place

Christina DaRe Model
Christina DaRe Model

southern California

Explore Southern California beaches and gardens with me. Nature is where I go to stay grounded every day. In this fast-paced world, I balance my high output of productive energy with the restorative energy I receive by immersing myself in the beauty of nature. It’s presence.

Shop My Favorite Products

See my favorite products on my Amazon Storefront and TikTok Showcase. My website shop offers some creations made by me.

Christina DaRe Model


Add a touch of ease to your everyday by choosing products that soothe and comfort.


Simplify tasks with less time and energy output. Keep it organized and accessible.


Be Your Best. I’ve heard that when we feel good, we do good. I agree—it’s how things work best. See it through.


24-Hour Longwear Foundation

Make Up For Ever USA

Best Sellers Bundle


Swish Herbal Mouthwash


Check out my blog

Activities, Southern California

Checking out some creativity and talent today at the Hollywood Wax Museum, Ripley’s

Activities, Southern California

The creatures of the sea are magnificent. I was literally speechless and ecstatic.

Activities, Southern California

Meet Poseidon, my horse. The guide said he is the go to horse

Model, Work Projects

This was a commercial shoot where they also did photos for digital or

Nevada, Stays

This is my favorite hotel in Las Vegas, for the biggest reason, the

California, Hotels, Sightseeing

This place has some breathtaking views of the golf course and the ocean!

California, Hotels, Sightseeing

Spend a day at their beautiful, relaxing spa and walk to the ocean.

California, Hotels, Sightseeing

The pool area is so classic. Sit at the pool bar and enjoy!

Me at Home, Model

It’s a new day. Spent some time reading about the lives of certain

In Nature, Model

I didn’t have anything to say. I came back to this to share

Me at Home, Model

Getting ready with nowhere to go. I don’t mind that much. To me,

Me at Home, Model

What’s your vibe tonight…1, 2, 3, 4? I may be all of these