Two Months


Join The Crew! Get online access to Christina DaRe exclusive content for two months!

Preview some of the action here. Also, take a peek at Christina’s social media channel to get an idea of her vibe.

*With this purchase, you agree to receive emails from Christina DaRe. The Crew welcome email, to get started, will be sent to the email you provide during checkout. Additional emails may be sent to you from Christina DaRe periodically. If you wish to cancel, you can do so here. However, this will only remove you from The Crew access and unsubscribe you from emails. Please note below:


Read the description below before purchasing!

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Do not expect dirty content in The Crew. To reiterate, the content you see in The Crew will be like the content you see on Christina’s social media channel. Also, bullying is not welcome in The Crew. Your access will be revoked if you do not respect this.

Additional Information: If you are no longer in The Crew and would like to unsubscribe from emails sent by Christina DaRe, you can do so in that email correspondence. You can also update your email address there, at the link, update your subscription preferences.